Палёха Ольга Николаевна (адаптированный перевод) - всі публікації автора
Donnenfeld Eric D.
13.08.2018 16:57
– MD, профессор офтальмологии Нью-Йоркского университета, консультант компаний Alcon, AMO, Bausch&Lomb, Carl Zess Meditec
Dupps Jr. William J.
13.08.2018 16:57
– MD, PhD, is Director, Ocular Biomechanics and Imaging Lab at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio. Disclosure: Dupps is a co-inventor on patents related to elastography and ocular computational modeling held by Cleveland Clinic Innovations, receives research support from NIH (R01 EY023381), a State of Ohio Third Frontier Innovation Platform Award, Avedro and Zeiss, and has served as a consultant for Ziemer
Feinbaum Claes
13.08.2018 16:57
– Msc, PhD. Department of Ophthalmology, Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, Israel, Visiting Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel & Medicinski Center Vid